пятница, 20 октября 2017 г.

Ковель 1915-1939.

1917-1918. Ковель. А. Эпштейн. / Foto oesterreich ungarn feldgendarmerie militaer polizei ickelhaube armband gewehr in Kowel, ukraine. 1-weltkrieg.
1917-1918. Ковель. А. Эпштейн. / Foto oesterreich ungarn feldgendarmerie militaer polizei ickelhaube armband gewehr in Kowel, Ukraine. 1-weltkrieg.

1915? Ковель. Prisonniere russe de Kowel femme. carte-photo, allemande, guerre 1914-1918, 1wk.
1915? Ковель. Prisonniere russe de Kowel femme. carte-photo, allemande, guerre 1914-1918, 1wk.

1918. Ковель. / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of the classmates of Pearl Rosenzweig, who is seen standing on the first row, fourth from the right, 1918.

 1920. Ковель. магистрат /  Kowel, Poland, A street scene before the war, 31/05/1920.
 1920. Ковель. магистрат /  Kowel, Poland, A street scene before the war, 31/05/1920.

1920. Ковель. "Рембрандт", Геллера Б, Луцкая 53 / Kowel, Poland, A class photograph. Perla Rosenzweig is seen third from left in the middle row, 1920.
1920. Ковель. "Рембрандт", Геллера Б, Луцкая 53 / Kowel, Poland, A class photograph. Perla Rosenzweig is seen third from left in the middle row, 1920.

1920. Ковель. "Рембрандт", Геллера Б, Луцкая 53 / Kowel, Poland, A class photograph. Perla Rosenzweig is seen third from left in the middle row, 1920.

1924. Ковель. Эпштейн А. Варшавская 61 / Kowel, Poland, Chaim and Rivka Cymring, 23/11/1924.
1924. Ковель. Эпштейн А. Варшавская 61 / Kowel, Poland, Chaim and Rivka Cymring, 23/11/1924. 

1925. Ковель. "Модерн" Энтин Н. Луцкая 131 / Kowel, Poland, A class photograph of a seventh grade, Pearl Rosenzweig is third from the right on the fourth row, 1925.
1925. Ковель. "Модерн" Энтин Н. Луцкая 131 / Kowel, Poland, A class photograph of a seventh grade, Pearl Rosenzweig is third from the right on the fourth row, 1925.
1925. Ковель. "Модерн" Энтин Н. Луцкая 131 / Kowel, Poland, A class photograph of a seventh grade, Pearl Rosenzweig is third from the right on the fourth row, 1925.

 1927. Ковель. J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98  / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a couple, 14/12/1927.
 1927. Ковель. J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98  / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a couple, 14/12/1927.
 1927. Ковель. J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98  / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a couple, 14/12/1927.

 1927 Ковель Геллер З. – Kowel, Poland, Rosy Markiter wearing a costume on Purim, 27/02/1927.
 1927 Ковель Геллер З. – Kowel, Poland, Rosy Markiter wearing a costume on Purim, 27/02/1927.

1928 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98 – Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Henryk Lernberg, the teacher of Pearl Rosenzweig, 20/01/1928
1928 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98 / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Henryk Lernberg, the teacher of Pearl Rosenzweig, 20/01/1928

 1929 Ковель / Kowel, Poland, Pearl Rosenzweig (sitting second from the left) with friends, 1929.

1929 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98 / Kowel, Poland, Perl Rosenzweig, with her friends Oshke Lerner and Rosa, 01/07/1929 .
1929 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98 / Kowel, Poland, Perl Rosenzweig, with her friends Oshke Lerner and Rosa, 01/07/1929 .
1929 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98 / Kowel, Poland, Perl Rosenzweig, with her friends Oshke Lerner and Rosa, 01/07/1929 .

1929. Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98 / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a young man from the Sehman family, a classmate of Pearl Rosenzweig, 03/09/1929.
1929. Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98 / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a young man from the Sehman family, a classmate of Pearl Rosenzweig, 03/09/1929.
1929. Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская 98 / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a young man from the Sehman family, a classmate of Pearl Rosenzweig, 03/09/1929.

1929 Ковель Геллер З. / Kowel, Poland, A group photograph, seated on the right on the first row is the photo-submitter's mother, Pearl Rosenzweig, 1929.
1929 Ковель Геллер З. / Kowel, Poland, A group photograph, seated on the right on the first row is the photo-submitter's mother, Pearl Rosenzweig, 1929.

1929 Ковел / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Zvi Zimring in a Polish Army uniform, 06/07/1929
1929 Ковел / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Zvi Zimring in a Polish Army uniform, 06/07/1929

1930 Ковель / Kowel, Poland, A photo of Gershon, Jagodnik, 15/04/1930.
1930 Ковель / Kowel, Poland, A photo of Gershon, Jagodnik, 15/04/1930.

1930 Ковель / Kowel, Poland, A group photograph of friends of Pearl Rosenzweig, 05/06/1930.
1930 Ковель / Kowel, Poland, A group photograph of friends of Pearl Rosenzweig, 05/06/1930.

1930 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская rog Krolewy Bony – Kowel, Poland, A group photograph. Pearl Rosenzweig (sitting from left) with her friends- Sonia ans Oshke Lerner (standing from left), 11/02/1930.
1930 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская rog Krolewy Bony – Kowel, Poland, A group photograph. Pearl Rosenzweig (sitting from left) with her friends- Sonia ans Oshke Lerner (standing from left), 11/02/1930.

1930 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская, rog Krolewy Bony  / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Sonia, a friend of Pearl Rosenzweig 27/04/1930.
1930 Ковель J. Эпштейн Варшавская, rog Krolewy Bony  / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Sonia, a friend of Pearl Rosenzweig 27/04/1930.

1931. Ковель, J. Эпштейн, Krolewy Bony 1 И. Kowel, Poland, A photo  of Areles (from left) and beside him Friedeles 19/05/1931.
1931. Ковель, J. Эпштейн, Krolewy Bony 1 И. Kowel, Poland, A photo  of Areles (from left) and beside him Friedeles 19/05/1931.
1931. Ковель, J. Эпштейн, Krolewy Bony 1 И. Kowel, Poland, A photo  of Areles (from left) and beside him Friedeles 19/05/1931.

 1931. Ковель. Sz Эпштейн, Варшавская 61 / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Duzia Yulkowicz, 28-02-1931.
 1931. Ковель. Sz Эпштейн, Варшавская 61 / Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Duzia Yulkowicz, 28-02-1931.

 1932 Ковель J. Эпштейн Krolewy Bony 1 – Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a young man named Moshe, 28/05/1932.
 1932 Ковель J. Эпштейн Krolewy Bony 1 – Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a young man named Moshe, 28/05/1932.

1933-1935 (?) Kовель "Радиотип" /  Zaklad Fotograficzny "Radiotyp", Kowel, Warszawska 15 Kowel, Poland, A group photograph, before the war.
1933-1935. Kовель "Радиотип" /  Zaklad Fotograficzny "Radiotyp", Kowel, Warszawska 15 Kowel, Poland, A group photograph, before the war.

1933-1935 (?) Kовель "Радиотип" /  Zaklad Fotograficzny "Radiotyp", Kowel, Warszawska 15 Kowel, Poland, A group photograph, before the war.

1936. Kовель "Радиотип" /  Zaklad Fotograficzny "Radiotyp", Kowel, Warszawska 15
1936. Kовель "Радиотип" /  Zaklad Fotograficzny "Radiotyp", Kowel, Warszawska 15

1936. Kовель "Радиотип" /  Zaklad Fotograficzny "Radiotyp", Kowel, Warszawska 15

1939. Ковель Sz. Эпштейн, Легионов 71 – 50 Pułk Piechoty im. Francesco Nullo w Kowlu .
1939. Ковель Sz. Эпштейн, Легионов 71 / 50 Pułk Piechoty im. Francesco Nullo w Kowlu .

1939. Ковель Sz. Эпштейн, Легионов 71 – 50 Pułk Piechoty im. Francesco Nullo w Kowlu .

?какого года?

? Ковель Sz Эпштейн Варшавская 71 – Kowel, Poland, A photograph of a young woman, before the war.

Kowel, Poland, A photograph of the Rosenzweig family, from right to left- Etel, the father Nachman Yitzchak, Moshe and Perl, before the war.

Ковель Геллер Kowel, Poland, A class photograph, Pearl Rosenzweig is third from the right on the first row, before the war.

Ковель – Kowel, Poland, A photograph of Moshe Rosenzweig (the brother of Pearl Rosenzweig), with his friends before the war / Kowel, Poland, Cantor Nahman Yitzchak Rosenzweig (the father of Pearl Rosenzweig) before the war.

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